Rupchanda Fish Recipe and Health Benefits

Rupchanda fish is sea fish, and it is a testy and delicious fish to eat, so while cooking rupchanda fish recipe, you should take extra care for cooking because Rupchanda fish is not like other fish. It tests different from other fish. Today, we like to write how to cook a rupchanda fish fry recipe in these tropics. You read these tropics carefully. I think you will avail to cook Rupchanda fish.

Rupchanda fish recipe and Scientific name of Rupchanda

The Rupchanda fish are depth sea costs fish and a water level of 100 m, and they are well known as Rup Chanda, Fali Chanda, Hail Chand, Nama Chanda and many more, but their scientific name is parastromateus niger. The term does not matter; there is no excuse to say Rupchanda fish test. Now you are going to read how to cook Rupchanda fish frying recipes.

Ingredient for cooking Rupchanda Fish

  • Rupchanda fish 6 pcs
  • Olive oil or food-grade oil 
  • Red chilli powder 1 to 1.5 tsp
  • Green chilli 4-5 pecs 
  • Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
  • Onion slice 3 pcs (slice or pest) 
  • Garlic 1 pcs (slice or pest)
  • Salt to increase test
  • Coriander leaves for improved test 
  • Tomatoes 3 -4 Pieces  
  • Other species to expand its test (if applicable)

How to cut rupchanda fish and cleaning process

When all ingredients are ready, it has the primary time to cut Rupchanda fish properly. Cut off the tail and fins on either side of the fish. Then remove the guts by cutting open the fish and washing the fish thoroughly with water & salt until the water runs clean. When cleaning, complete the fish now; you should cut in rows on either side of the fish with a knife. 

Rupchanda fish fry recipe

Rupchanda fish fry recipe

Mixed the salt, turmeric powder and red chilli with fish properly and take your nonstick frying pan /best cookware/cooking pan. Pour the oil into the pan and start to hit with cooking oil on your electric stove or gas stove. After 5 minutes, the oil hits and pours the fish into the frying pan. For the next five minutes, turn the fish upside down and fry both sides of the fish. When the fish frying completes, the next step to cooking the fish is the above.

Rupchanda fish recipe

Mixed all ingredients and marinate with salt, 1 to 1.5 tsp red chilli powder, green chilli 3/4 pieces and turmeric powder 1.50 to 2 tsp and mixed the properly. Heat the nonstick cooking frying pan with oil. Make pest oil, garlic, salt, garlic and another ingredient you like to use. When pest ready, use 2 cups of water, and in the next step mixed the tomatoes.

After 10-15 minutes, your tomatoes pest is ready and fall all Rupchada fish on the pan. Hit the fish for 20-30 minutes. After 30 minutes, then you mix the coriander leaves. Coriander leaves are mainly used to increase the fish test, and next 5 minutes, your delicious food Rupchanda fish is almost ready to serve. 

Rupchanda fish side effects and heath benefits 

It has not confused saying Rupchanda is delicious and testy fish but have Rupchanda fish side effects on health when you too much Rupchanda fish will cause stomach disease. It is the source of fatty acids, and more eat of Rupchanda fish are cases of the acidotic problem.

But Rupchanda has great health benefit and reduce low scale on fats and calories. Fats and calories help our body from aging by reducing such symptoms. It also reduces the risk of heart problems and controls blood pressure and the source of omega-3 fatty acids. It boosts our immune system and does not contain much fat. 

The Final thoughts

We write our scale to cook the Rupchanda fish recipe in this blog. You can apply your method to cooking Rupchanda fish. But in words, it has not confused to say Rupchanda fish food test. We also know the Rupchanda fish health benefit and see the harmful effect of Rupchanda fish.

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